Jennifer Musisi’s Contract as KCCA Boss Renewed

News reaching us indicates that Jennifer Musisi’s contract as the Executive Director of Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) has been renewed.

Musisi is currently serving her second term as KCCA boss. Her second contract was due to expire on April 14, 2017.

Her new term, the third in a row, will run from April 2017 to April 2020.

President Museveni appointed Musisi the first KCCA boss in 2011 after Kampala City Council (KCC) was overhauled to create KCCA, and its new positions.

Before she joined the city authority, Musisi was the head of tax collector Uganda Revenue Authority(URA) legal department.

Section 17(2) of the KCCA Act stipulates that the executive director shall be appointed by President on the advice of the public service.

A person shall qualify to be appointed executive director if he or she is of high moral character and proven integrity, and is qualified to be appointed as Permanent Secretary in a government ministry.

Audrey Ninsiima